The Winter Wind
August is in the middle of a hot summer in Korea Summer, which started with the work, finished the work now..... Summer is going and...
Misik Kim

Aura. Goddess of Autumn Breezes
This was an interesting, if not bewildering, word challenge. Most of my sensations about wind relate to feelings rather that imagery. ...

Eye of the Storm
Wind, at one end of the spectrum, can be a gentle and pleasant breeze. At the other end, it can be furious and destructive. For my piece...
Alicia Merrett

Fresh Laundry
I really enjoyed this challenge. How do you create a visual interpretation of something invisible? The word "WIND" brings to mind all...
Kate Themel

My Generation #3: LOHAS
Flowers are scattered by the winds, just like my no-longer-young self. Keeping such a unique gesture and charm, living a happy life, and...
Lin Hsin-Chen

Blown Away
Blown Away, detail ©2019, 36" x 24" Wind was a really interesting and unique theme for V9-5's final challenge and I thank Misik for...
Martha Wolfe

The Invisible One
92cm long x 61cm wide (36in x 24in) You move the clouds, shift sand dunes and bend trees. Wind, you are the invisible one. Materials-...
Sue Dennis

The Mighty Wind: O' Wind a'blowing all day long. O'Wind that sings so loud a song.
I was rather bewildered by this word prompt. I couldn't get visual at all. While I felt a presence when I thought about wind, it was...

Ballast (belatedly)
The 6th challenge of the Living Planet cycle was Irreversible, thus my offering is way overdue. My sincere apologies to my fellow V9ers...
Martha Wolfe

Invisible Power
Wind is fascinating to me. I am in awe of its power, how it moves as temperatures change, how it creates swells and waves in the ocean....
Lisa-Marie Sanders