Wandering in Circles
When I set out on our New World cycle, my goal was to Wander and explore new creative experiences with out boundaries. The first thing I...
Martha Wolfe

Continuing Change
Our change of location to the seaside last year has brought many new aspects of inspiration. As with any new lifestyle, time is needed to...

Colorful and Splendid - by Lin Hsin-Chen
A new world that I only recently discovered is that croton plants are delicate and beautiful. After observing them for some time, I began...
Lin Hsin-Chen

Walking down the alley - Dairy Routine 1
This is the first work in the series Dairy Routine I live in an old town. It's a place where new and old coexist. I live by seeing and...
Misik Kim

Contrast 1
The first in my series entitled CONTRAST, this image was based on a photo of the internal bobbin mechanism of my sewing machine. I played...
Kate Themel

Change-it's personal , Sue Dennis
Many things changed for me in 2020; a change of location, a change in working habits, health changes and imposed changes from the Covid...
Sue Dennis

Spoon Theory
Spoon Theory ©2021, 39" x 27" Spoon theory, is a concept or metaphor used to describe the amount of mental or physical energy a person...
Martha Wolfe