Daze, #2
Daze, #2 ©2022, 40" x 41" Daze, #2 is my fifth installment in my Wandering series. It is another reflection on my pandemic experience and...
Martha Wolfe

Contrasting Texture
The latest in my series on CONTRAST, this piece combines two techniques that I enjoy, despite my lack of experience: knitting and pieced...

Old Feelings III by Teresita Leal
The idea of a new post-pandemic world is undoubtedly appealing, but it will still be inhabited by the old feelings that inspire this...

World Peace - by Lin Hsin-Chen
Living in an out-of-control world, people panic and feel anxiety and sadness because of wars, viruses, extreme weather, and natural or...

by Sue Dennis 35cm W x 103cm L [13 ¾ ”x 40 ½”] My walks along the beach reveal many things washed up with the tides. Shells, sea weed of...

Welcoming 2 New Viewpoints!
"Sunrise, Moonrise" by Merce Gonzales "The Difference" by Cecilia Gonzalez We're delighted to welcome our newest members to Viewpoints,...

Diverted by new things
I have been dabbling in trying new forms of expression. Palm inflorescences can be used for 2 dimensional wall hangings or wrapped/woven...