Verge by Martha Wolfe
Verge 40" x 40" ©2023 When I'm planning a trip, I start with maps and take a deep dive into books and the internet to find the most...
Martha Wolfe

TRENCADÍS or how to build from pieces - Teresita Leal
Trencadís is a type of mosaic made by reusing irregular ceramic fragments. It is an architectural technique adopted during Catalan...

Micrographia is named after a book by the same title written by Robert Hooke in 1665. It's subtitled "some physiological descriptions of...

Keep Your Thoughts Raised High
Alicia Merrett - February 2023 A creative journey should always be an uplifting one. Any steps should be seen as positive, not obstacles...
Alicia Merrett

Penelope's path
Cecília González 133cm W x 111cm L (52"x44" Penelope's image is that of the good wife, who stays at home looking after Odysseus'...

Beginning of the journey
Mercè González 101cm W x 96cm L (40" x 38") This is the first view of my trip. An exciting trip for all the places where I will go...

Set Off to Explore - by Lin Hsin-Chen
I don't know if everyone is the same, but every time I pack my bags, there are always new discoveries. When I was preparing to create...

Work in progress by Teresita Leal I began preparing the background of this piece by painting it with diluted acrylic paint. and then came...