Wild Ride
"Laistrygonians, Cyclops, wild Poseidon—you won’t encounter them unless you bring them along inside your soul, unless your soul sets them...

FLOWERS - by Teresita Leal
Flowers not only provide beauty but also mark the path of life through its milestones. On our way to Ithaka, they are present in all...

Golden Valley
by Sue Dennis 50cm W x 103cm L [19.5” x 40.5”] Blackdown National Park is a land of discovery. As I entered the valley the heady, sweet...

Vortex - Alicia Merrett
A vortex is a mass of fluid or air with a circular motion that tends to form a vacuum or cavity in the centre, towards which matter is...
Alicia Merrett

Finding Yourself - by Lin Hsin-Chen
Fly! Nothing has to be caught or left behind. Swing your wings vigorously, soar through the wind, and find your own sky without any...

Working on my Flowers piece
In my third piece of the Ithaka series, I thought of flowers representing life milestones. I continue to research application techniques...

Penelope's Monsters
Cecília González 126cm W x 112cm L (50"x44") The poem says that the monsters will not appear, unless you take them with you. "...Neither...