"May there be many summer mornings when, with what pleasure, what joy, you enter harbors you’re seeing for the first time;" ~excerpt from...

ARRIVAL - AUTUMN GARDEN - Ithaka series - Teresita Leal
As in the poem that inspired this series, it is the journey that counts, the inspiration, the work, the rejections, and the many changes...

Last Light
Sue Dennis 22" wide x 42" long (56 cm x 107cm) “…don’t hurry the journey…..better it lasts for years..” says the Ithaka poem. Like our...

The end of this journey
Mercè González 105cm W x 112cm L (41"x44") And in the end, when we arrive at this Ithaka, a new journey begins.

Penelope's circles
Cecília González 133cm W x 112cm L (52"x44") We need women's circles. Those who support us without conditions, without questions, without...

My Garden - by Lin Hsin-Chen
My creative inspiration comes from natural plants. I have my own garden in my heart. I depict the garden in three scenes and immerse...

Penelope's roads
Cecília González 133cm W x 112cm L (52"x44") Penelope has had to travel many roads, easy, difficult, dusty, wide, trails, shortcuts and...

Learning from Ithaka
Mercè González 105cm W x 114cm L (41"x45") This is Itaka for me: open the mind, explore new ways of working, let it surprise you, turn a...

Mercè González 116cm W x 114cm L (46"x45") After the darkness comes the awakening of the day. The light makes the fears disappear and we...