Maybe it’s my age, or my family, or that I love where I am in life, but every moment seems precious. They say time moves faster the older...
Lisa-Marie Sanders

Spacetime Geographies #2: Time Connections
Time can be linear, circular, elastic – but always connected - all those concepts I believe are contained in the tubular spiral: For this...
Alicia Merrett

A slice of time
While surrounded by volcanoes in San Pedro de Atacama, Chile I wrote in my travel journal, sketched and contemplated time. This quilt...
Sue Dennis

Time is our most precious asset, and yet we cannot put a value on it. Time is unlimited but our time is finite. And unknown. We cannot...
Lisa-Marie Sanders
Elastic Time
I am confused by time, especially how I view it personally. Yes we can measured time and have timelines. Yes we have the circle of life,...
Sue Dennis

Time is not a line but a circle
I love this month’s challenge word: TIME It brought me back to one of my favorite pastimes/obsessions/search for connection – ancient...

The Eternal Guardian
Completed in 2009, the statue of the goddess Mazu is 28.8 meters tall. It is made of granite, which symbolize to protect the islanders...
Lin Hsin-Chen

This also goes over ( 이 또한 지나가리 )
I was reminded of many things when I saw Alicia's challenge. This words was the first thing that came up. My favorite words. “ This also...
Misik Kim

All Aboard....
Over the last few years I've had a couple of really exciting travel opportunities along with our Viewpoints 9 exhibitions - 2 that...
Martha Wolfe