Kate Themel
Tech Brain
My youngest is in middle school, having grown up in the age of the internet. A few nights ago, my family and I attended a school...
Kate Themel
La Dee Da
The human skeleton provides rigid protection for internal organs, but it is structured in such a way that allows for an amazing variety...
Maybe less would be more
When Kate posed this word challenge I immediately thought of a structure new to my life (building suspense here). Then over then next...
Kate Themel
A Little Imagination Goes a Long Way
I really struggled with the "POSSIBILITIES" challenge. It's so all-encompassing, I had no idea where to start. All the what-ifs swirled...
Kate Themel
Finding Balance
I once met a person who was building little towers of stones on a beach. The stones he was using were not all flat and easy to stack up....
Order from Chaos
The search for serenity... I thought a lot about my own stress-coping mechanisms. The things that make me feel calm are the flip side to...
Dark Beginnings
The ancient Celtic calendar year began at Samhain, a festival that marks the end of harvest season and the beginning of the "darker half"...
Time is not a line but a circle
I love this month’s challenge word: TIME It brought me back to one of my favorite pastimes/obsessions/search for connection – ancient...
kate themel
Melting Pot
I was always taught that America is the great "Melting Pot" - a unique place where people of different colors, cultures, religions and...
Kate Themel
Home Turf
My studio is where I feel most at home. It's a place where I can dance around, sing, talk to myself, swear, drop things on the floor. I...