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Rings of Time

The first thing in my mind when I read the Generations challenge was trees. As a child I loved the idea of determining a tree’s age by counting its rings. I was in my thirties before I ever saw the giant redwoods of Northern California in person and I couldn’t imagine counting those rings. What an amazing experience!

Another inspiration for” Rings of Time” was my mother-in-law. I thought of familial generations and traditions that transcend time. It was my mother-in-law who taught me how to quilt, so I wanted to find a way to honor the generations of quilters who preceded me. I settled on using an old quilting pattern: the log cabin.

Making my log cabin “wonky” and changing the colors of the center square were my way to blend old and new. I chose my fabrics with trees in mind and the cabin “logs” represent tree rings while the blocks depict generations.

“Rings of Time” measures 36” H x 24” W. It was constructed with commercial and hand rusted cotton fabrics, quilted with cotton thread. Techniques include piecing and reverse applique.

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